Saturday, April 12, 2008


Well it has definitely been a week that I could have lived without. But God said we would have struggles. First thing Thursday morning I was able to get the rental vehicle and also get Ripley in to see about his leg. The surgeon thinks it is going to be okay. He got his stitches out and he even got his bandage off.

I actually felt worse Thursday and Friday than I did Wednesday, so I probably will go to the doctor to make sure everything is okay. I also went to where they had towed my car and got all my belongings out of my car Thursday. It was odd, it didn't even look like my car. And, I had a message when I came home Friday evening that my car was "a total loss" and asked me to call them Monday. I'm not looking forward to this. I've been looking and I don't have a clue what kind of car I want to get.

Jan and Gerald leave for M.D. Anderson Tuesday morning. She has a MRI Tuesday evening. Lab Wednesday morning and she sees her onocologist also Wednesday morning. Her doctor had not planned on doing an MRI this month, but she's been having headaches for the last couple of weeks. This is the month her doctor said they should see "big tumor reduction." Please pray that this is the case. Please pray that there has been no increase in her tumor size. Please pray for PEACE for Jan and Gerald, as well as our family. This is very hard road to travel.

Life goes on, with bumps in the road that vary from pebbles to rocks to impassible boulders. It seems there have been impassible boulders lately. We all have our share of every kind because somehow in His wisdom that’s what He has decided, and it’s not going to be any different until Heaven.

Life is a funny creature, it comes at you from all directions- throwing things at you. Sometimes you see them coming from far away and have time to prepare for them, other times they sneak up on you and tap you on the shoulder. Either way, you make a choice. You choose to face what ever it throws at you head on, dealing with it now. Or you chose to bury your head in the sand and ignore the issue.

It's a choice. It's all in how you face it.

I choose to face it with Christ by my side, holding my hand all the way.

He is the only way I can face LIFE.

We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.-

2 Corinthians 4:7 (NLT)

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