The kids at church today didn't have Sunday School due to spring break, so I got out early. Ripley and I went and visited "the sisters." Two elderly ladies that used to live across the street and getting ready to move back. They've adopted us or maybe Ripley. We haven't seen them since surgery as we're still in our recovery period and he is not supposed to get excited, run, jump, etc. Ha! Tell him that. He was very excited for the visit and all.
It seems it is still taking Jan time to recover from chemo last week. Or, is it from one of the medications she is still on. I guess we'll call and talk with the oncologist tomorrow to see about this. Ugh!
When she's not feeling good and frustrated from not doing much, it makes the presence of brain cancer that more real. We're hoping this is something she can adjust to and with the help of changing her diet, reverse these feelings of fatigue, etc.
"Christians can rejoice in the middle of trouble because they have learned from experience that God is faithful. "
"And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character hope." Romans 5:3-4
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