Tuesday, March 18, 2008


“There are moments in the harsh bleakness of winter that would be unbearable if there were not, tucked deep within its bosom, the promise of spring.

But spring always comes.

Dark moments in the life and heart of a mother or wife are mitigated only in the light of God’s sovereignty. We must learn to draw upon the resources of a sovereign God - One who unreservedly offers us not solutions, not answers, not happily-ever-after endings, but His glad welcome- the assurance of His presence with us.

The desert has its edge, and in God’s timing the darkness will give way to light.
Ephesians 3:2 is our warranty: “We may approach God with freedom and confidence.” Assured of His glad welcome, we can take our places in a world full of people like ourselves- people who don’t know where to turn, who never in a million years expected to find themselves in their present circumstances- people for whom there are no answers but Jesus Christ.

And we can do it joyfully!

-Joy MacKenzie

We can face the circumstances of life several ways. We can try to ignore them, with depression or with joy. There are times in our lives that we cannot change our circumstances.

The one thing that is certain, the one thing that has never changed is Christ’s position on his throne. Our problems are still our problems, but because we have a sovereign God who is working things out for our ETERNAL good, we can rest assured that no matter what happens on this earth, no matter what circumstances or disease that enters our earthly life…..

We have a mansion in heaven with our name on it!

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have troubles. But take heart! I have overcome the world. - John 16:33

Never in a million years would I have thought my sister would have brain cancer! I never thought life would be perfect. It says in the Bible we will have troubles. But I never thought at times it would be this difficult.

I know this journey we are on at this moment is extremely hard for me, but I cannot begin to imagine how hard it is for my sister. I want to do anything and everything to help make this easier for her. She has struggled immensely in the last few weeks and even more so in the last few days. That's hard to swallow. It was hard to swallow when my Dad suffered with his cancer.

It is great comfort to know that we have someone we can go to any time and any where. Someone who is waiting for us. Someone who will carry us when the load is too heavy.

Do you know that someone?

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