Wednesday, October 15, 2008

~WFW~Faith in the Night~

"After he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, but the boat by this time was a long way from the land, beaten by the waves, for the wind was against them. And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, "It is a ghost!" and they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid." - Matthew 14:24-27

Why is it that problems always seem bigger in the middle of the night? In the hours between the days, our fears loom larger and burdens grow heavier. It was between three and four o'clock in the morning when the disciples fought the storm on the Sea of Galilee. In Matthew 14 we hear about how their imaginations whipped around like a wild wind. And just when the storm was taking them under for the last time, Jesus walked by on the water! Crazy!

Just look at their response.

"And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, "It is a ghost!" and they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid."

Why do you doubt? He asked him. I'm right here.

We painfully identify with the disciples' fear. When we're out here on our own, our hearts become filled with fear. Overwhelmed by circumstances, we forget who He is. He's God. He's in control.

The Christian life is a life of faith. In faith you can say, God has made some promises and I believe Him. I don't always understand His ways, but I trust Him. He's in charge.

God has given you some assurances so that you can walk by faith while you're waiting for Him to work. You don't have to take your view your life from what you see happening right in front of you. Living by faith and holding onto God's promises gives stability and strength to life.
Devotion taken from James McDonald

I find my heart is heavy tonight. There are so many people who are sick, and the numbers keep growing. In less than 1 month now, it will be a year since everything changed in our family. In this last year, it is unbelievable how MANY people who have cancer, alone. There are MANY other types of illnesses. And, so many people who are hurting for various reasons. Please join me today in praying for the many with illnesses, people who are hurting and for our country.

In particular, Jan was pretty wiped out from her last trip to MD Anderson. She is attempting to come off the steroids. Her potassium was low, so they are supplementing that. She said she felt off balanced. The nurse over this clinical trial she is on made a comment that these new feelings are due to the chemo. Pray that she will not dwell on these comments and that she will remain positive and feel GREAT!

And, Joyce is doing dramatically better. Thanks for praying.

To find more Word-filled Wednesdays, visit 160AcreWoods

Love & Blessings!


Mariposa said...

Cheryl, this is very beautiful! You have in the night is exactly what I need right now.

It is truly by His great mercy and grace that as I visit everyone's WFW today, He has spoken to me in different ways.

Thanks so much for being one of His messengers...have a blessed Wednesday!

Denise said...

Sweet one, I am sorry your heart is heavy, I will join you in prayer. My prayers continue for Jan, and Joyce.

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard that story in years!

I, too, will add my prayers to yours. I am sorry that your heart is heavy and yet glad that God has given you a compassionate heart to see the pain of others. It is a gift.

The long dark hours of the night are horrible and, yet, can be so blessed. I had a "long dark night of the soul" last night and God all but yanked me out of my bed and got me into His word and, no surprise, this morning I feel more settled and able to cope. I pray the same settling for you and for yours.

God bless.

Erica said...

My heart is heavy for you. I will be praying and thank you for your insight into the Word.
My husband has been struggling with anxiety and like you wrote, it gets increasingly worse at night. Thank you for the scripture reminder!

Tonya said...


I'm sorry to hear that you're "down." We certainly all have those days.. and for those of us who have/or are dealing with cancer.. it's especially hard. I mean, we're so used to making "boo-boos" better.. and this is one we just can't "kiss" and make go away.

I will pray that both you and your sister would be encouraged and that your week would be one filled with JOY and LOTS of LAUGHTER!

Now, I was out most of the day yesterday so I didn't make it by in time to comment on your "TMTT" post. (I had to take Zach to get his cast off) I'm about to go and "copy" it now. =-)

Take care, and have a BLESSED day!


Deanna said...

I have often wondered why my imagination is greatest when it is dealing with fear.

Many prayers for your family now and in the days ahead.

Kristi said...

Sweet friend, thank you for your honesty today. I'm praying for you and for Jan. I'm thankful that joy comes in the morning!

Melanie said...

Praying for you today, my friend, along with Jan and Joyce and so many others that are struggling with illnesses right now. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Keeping my prayers up for Joyce and Jan! God bless you!

Laurie Ann said...

This was so beautiful, Cheryl. It really warmed my heart. I am praying Jan feels better and rejoicing at Joyce's improvement. Remain hopeful!

Thanks for your encouraging words today. I've still got a ways to go but I'm doing much better. I did have my quiet time this morning and it was WONDERFUL. It was so good to be back in the Word.

Patricia said...

Thank you for sharing your heart. I pray you will have peace today. Your post has reminded me to give thanks for the Lord's faithfulness.

Alexis said...

I enjoyed this post! I too, have bigger fears in the middle of the night. If the disciples had that problem, I don't feel quite so alone. Thanks for sharing!! Wonderful as usual!

Natalie said...

Keep looking at the "SON". He's always there, my friend!

Michele Williams said...

My heart is heavy as well. Thanks for this post. Bless you dear friend.

Debra Kaye said...

Cheryl Kay,

You could not have spoken any truer words, my precious sister. I hurt that your heart is heavy and yet I am thankful that you are still mindful of others.

The hours at night are hardest for me too and yet like Kristi, I am so glad for God's new mercies each and every day!

I'm here if you need me for anything...even to know the email!

((hugging you))

Laurie Ann said...

P. S. Please stop by my blog for a happy -

~Amy~ said...

sorry i didn't comment yesterday. I enjoyed your post. Thanks for being an inspiration

Amydeanne said...

problems do seem bigger at night dont they? hugs. I so can relate to this post!

Sheryl said...

Never realized about the disciples fear gripping them in the night. Isn't that the truth - when the darkness settles in and our minds are quiet, often that is when satan comes to spark our fears.

Wow - all of that has happened in less than a year's time? Shows us even more how we should be grateful for each day and never take a thing for granted.

Thanks for being an encouragment to me!!!

Susan said...

Hey Cheryl,

This was great. Sorry it's been a while since I stopped by.

Hey, a make-over? WOW you blog looks soooooooooooooo good.

I was sad to read you were feeling down. I pray by now you are much better. It has been one rough year.

Praying Jan will start feeling like herself again.