Monday, March 10, 2008


Sisters ~ I think we all love this picture. I can't remember how old we were, but it looks somewhere around when I was in 1st grade.
Here we are just one short month since Jan had her last MRI. If we were to let our minds take over and run away we could imagine all kinds of things. This wouldn't be productive for anyone. You could say anything is possible when you are dealing Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). But, what good does it do and really how harmful is this kind of thinking. But, isn't God in control here. Nothing is too big for Him. Negative thinking doesn't benefit anyone. I know that there will always be some uneasiness while waiting on test results. I'm thankful she is able to meet with her oncologist the same day she has her MRI to get the results. Is it the fear of the unknown? Unknown for us, yes. But God knows the results without having to have an MRI. He is the one who is in control here!

My devotion for today reads as follows:

"When life gets particularly tough, keep your eyes and heart open for God's small miracles."

"To the true disciple a miracle only manifests the power and love which are silently at work everywhere as divinety in the gift of daily bread as in the miraculous multiplication of the loaves." Frederick William Robertson

Tender Mercies ~ Bible study passage ~ Jeremiah 31:1-20

"Let us then, feel very sure that we can come before God's throne where there is grace. There we can receive mercy and grace to help us when we need it." Hebrews 4:16

"When we get to the end of our own strength, realizing that we need God to make it in life and keep our soul tender and true, it's good to remember --

*God sent a rainbow to Noah as a symbol that His love for many would never waver (Genesis 9:14-15).
*God spoke to Moses in a burning bush (Exodus 3:2-6) and parted the waters of the sea with His breath to provide deliverance (Exodus 14:21).
*God allowed a young shepherd boy to conquer a mighty warrier with only a sling shot and a single stone (1 Samuel 17:49).
*Jesus healed a blind man (Mark 8:22-25), a person with leprosy (Matthew 8:2-3), a man who had never walked (Matthew 9:2-7), and even raised a young girl from death to life (Luke 8:51-55).
*The Holy Spirit came upon the followers of Jesus so they could proclaim God's love in languages they'd never spoken before (Acts 2:4-8).

God is at work in our world--and in our lives. Sometimes all we need is to open our eyes to see His tender mercies in our lives."

"Your Father knows the things you need before you ask him." Matthew 6:8

God promises to:

Give you rest. Matthew 11:29;
Keep His promises. 1Chronicles 16:15; and
Take care of you. Psalm 17:5.

One of the key words in the Bible is "Remember." We are to remember God's works, His mercy, His faithfulness. Sometimes I think we forget all God has done for us.

We have to lean on God and he will carry us. The devil wants nothing better to get us worked up over things, such as this testing. We have to stand firm in our faith. We see God's Hand at work here. We have seen only a portion of what He is able to do.

He will give us the Grace we need. His Grace is sufficient!

Please join me and my family as we continue to pray for good test results for Jan.

~Praying for Grace~

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